From Rebekah’s Facebook Page:

Urgent Update on my Dad:
We need everyone everywhere to pray for the next 24 hours!
The doctors are now saying Dad is fighting off3 infections:
1. Pneumonia
2. Covid (Its Day 7 of this virus and this is when it peaks)
3. Unknown (possibly fungal)
The unknown one they are trying to figure out with the infectious disease team ASAP so they can treat it. In the mean time for the next 24hrs they are wanting him to continue to wear the CPAP (oxygen face mask) the whole time not even taking it off to eat.
Pray that all anxiety and feelings of fear would calm during this period of Dad having to wear the oxygen mask
Pray that they would figure out this new infection and be able to prescribe the right medsPray that these next 24 hours and Dad wearing the mask would help there to be a drastic change for good
Thank you again for your prayers as Dad felt them yesterday!